I have been watching the internet evolve for years and I have done quite a bit of research in the past about making money on the internet. I have tried some things that worked out pretty well but I didn't really follow through on the good ideas. This time I am Determined to Succeed!
My mission is to Succeed and also to help other determined individuals take the leap with me. I strongly believe there is plenty enough profits out there for anyone who dares to persevere to make a great income. Helping people is a big priority of mine, there is no doubt in my mind that with every person I help with this blog it will come back to me a hundredfold... or at least some backlinks ;)
Sometimes in my blog I may clarify some point that may seem trivial to some people, just so I can be sure everyone is following along. Trust me I know you are intelligent creative individuals or you would be nowhere near this blog.
Never give up and always think twice before you pay some marketing guru $50 - $500 to teach you how to do this. The information is out there for free and people are making it work.
In the interest of wasting as little time as possible with dead ends I embarked on a massive research session over the past 3 days or so. Looking into all kinds of information available on the web for making a legitimate income . I will spare you the agony of listing the astounding number of sites I ran into that are a complete waste of time and mostly just try to take your money.
During my exhaustive research session I ran across this technique for creating a residual income stream which looks like a strong contender for "Its worth a Shot!".
Its not going to make you a gazillion dollars but it could be a solid income to supplement the other Multiple Income Streams that we are going to be developing.
(The following link is my referral link that will open the Hubpages tour/signup page in a new browser window. If you use my link to sign up with them I will get a referral credit and I will be very grateful for it. On a normal blog page I would not generally mention this, but I want you to know exactly whats going on. This blog is intended to Help people who share my interest in creating wealth online. More on affiliate referrals another day.)
Signup is free and after you get your account setup you may begin making money with hubpages by writing articles called hubs.
Once you are signed in make sure and go to "My Account" --> "Affiliate Settings" update as many of the affiliate codes as you are able.
Hubpages.com is able to offer the services free because they share the ad revenue with you. They get 40% and you get 60% of all ad revenue. You earn money from content oriented advertising and affiliate links that are integrated with the articles you create and submit.
Do not be dismayed at the 40% profits that Hubpages makes, the whole setup saves you time and the huge search rank boost from using thier site to post your articles is a huge advantage to posting your article on a "needle in a haystack blog" in the middle of internet limbo.
When you write an article on Hubpages it becomes what is known as a Hub. Articles on Hubpages range over a large spectrum of subjects. Generally you can write about whatever strikes your fancy as long as its in good taste. There is also a strong forum where you can find help with writing articles and making your articles more visible to your potential audience.
The research I've conducted on making money with hubpages indicates that as with blogs and pretty much any content you create on the web, the best paying hubs (articles) will be the ones that are written intelligently and with some care.
Choose your subjects with a bit of thought behind it, don't just submit any old junk. A well written article can generate residual income for months or years. Think of it as if someone has just offered you $300 for a 400 word article on the subject of your choice. It might take you 2 hours and you want it to be good so they hire you again right. $150 an hour would be pretty good for most people I think.
Now I don't know how much a particular article might earn during its life, the above is just an example off the top of my head. However I am certain that if you write it carefully and consider search engine keywords in the niche you are writing about there's a very good chance of significant search engine traffic - which equals ad revenue.
Write about subjects that you find intriguing or you have special knowledge of. When you create a "hub" with a little passion, it will really come through to your audience and that's what you want. You want a reader who comes to the conclusion, "hey that was very informative/entertaining/exactly what I was searching for, maybe I'll see what other articles this author has written".
Since our goal is to create articles that generate advertising revenue it is definitely important to look at the keywords associated with your article and keep in mind Search Engine Optimization as you write.
I will be covering SEO or Search Engine Optimization in another article I have planned. For the moment what we need to know is that for the purposes of writing hubs (and good blog content) We want to learn to write in a style I like to call "SEO writing". Which is creating an article in a style that emphasizes certain keywords and keyword phrases that are relevant to the content of your article.
The goal is not to create a page full of keywords that would make horrible reading. But if we want to be making money with hubpages, the secret is to write in a clear concise style with your own flair and a decent keyword group in your title and several places throughout your article.
Proofreading is extremely important. Always proofread your articles before you click the publish button. Even better, have a friend or family member read your article before you click the publish button and get their feedback . They haven't been staring at it for hours and a fresh perspective can catch mistakes you might have missed.
A big advantage to writing hubpages for money is that the hubpages.com staff monitors content and quality of the articles that are submitted. Good quality Hubs that users submit tend to get a high ranking in google search order. Search traffic is exactly what we need to get people clicking on the ads that generate cash into our bank accounts.
That means more visitors to your article which does 2 things. It increases the chances of a good click through for your advertising and it also can build your readership, people who may enjoy your writing style and come back to read more articles posted by you.Approach this as you would any serious money making opportunity. Quality content attracts quality visitors.
This is definitely a can't lose opportunity. This is great practice for creating web content! You can get paid to submit articles, there is no risk, no one asks for your money and the more writing you do the better you will get at it which will dramatically increase your chance for success when creating content for blogs and web pages down the road.
As you begin to understand more about web traffic generating methods (another article I have planned there are only so many hours in the day) and other Ineternet Advertising Machine practices you can apply those techniques and generate even greater revenue as you go.
Writing quality articles is the skill we want to acquire here. It will serve you well if you intend to make money on the internet with integrity.
I'm going to make a Serious Effort to write at least minimum one quality Hub per day for the next month or 2. I will get back to you and let you know how thats working out.
Be patient with your hubpage income stream it will take time and persistence to build it up.
For a free tour: HubpagesI had great fun writing this article I hope my passion for making a strong residual multiple stream income shows through and inspires you to keep trying, your comments are well appreciated and if it really pays off for you throw me a link back. ;)
Thank you for taking the time to read my article on Making money with Hubpages. :D
-Wealth Research
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